Tuesday, 12 October 2010
The day I met my idols
I arrived an hour early (as people who know me is pretty standard stuff!) and had a wander down to the piazza....only to find that all the seats were already taken! Aussies must be in need of some serious wardrobe assistance, I figured (yep, actually that is quite true in lots of cases!). So little A and I went for a wander and came back just before kick off and stood in the sunshine waiting for the dynamic duo.
They didn't dissapoint - there was plenty of boob prodding, bra hoisting, saddlebag jiggling and the like. They both came into the crowd to find their victims and I was in stroking distance of Susannah! She was wearing a leopard print bodycon dress with shrug and amazing heels. She looked very slim, prob a smallish 10 I'd say, but was def wearing plenty of control undies to keep it all in place.
Trinny is apparently favouring tutu style underskirts whilst touring Oz - I'm sure that was fine on the east coast, but she forgot to allow for the Fremantle Doctor and she gave us all a flash of more than she meant to!!
As for other news, I've joined a nice gym, not sure whether I'd already mentioned that.
The kids went back to school today after their two week hols - we had a lovely time just hanging out.
Paul's dad arrives next week which we're all verrrry excited about! The kids can't wait to see their grandad.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Happy Days
We started with Ruben and I walking the dogs in the park - glorious blue skies, no-one else around, just lovely. Then we spent the day just kinda hanging out. We braved the pool for a while, I was the only one brave (ie stupid) enough to actually swim in it, rather than just stand there going "oooh it's freeeezing!".
We sat in the sun whilst the kids played indoors and Aggie snoozed on the sofa, then we had a bbq for tea and packed the kids into bed by 7pm sharp. Great stuff!
The ballet yesterday was fantastic too - Sleeping Beauty performed by the Western Australia Ballet. The kids were really well behaved throughout it all too which was lovely. Even Agatha seemed to enjoy it - though that may have been that I was plying her with fruit pastilles for most of it!
Tomorrow is a public holiday then it's 2 weeks school hols - hope I'll be topping up my tan!
Love to everyone in Blighty - hope the Autumn is suiting you all nicely.x
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Happy Birthday to you....your majesty!
The rest of Australia apparently also has Daylight Saving Time, but WA decided it wasn't a great idea, so we don't. It makes me wonder if it was just to complicated a concept for them to implement.
It's been a fairly busy week in the Thompson household so far. At the weekend we ventured north, through Swan Valley, up to Walyunga national park. The kids had a great time climbing on rocks, finding sticks and the like. Apparently the river that runs through there is the best white water rafting to be found in Australia.
Pretty, isn't it?
Grace has a trail ballet lesson tomorrow which she's very excited about and I had my initial appraisal at the gym today. Agatha had a wonderful time in the creche at the gym and didn't want to come home.
It's Paul's birthday on Thursday (for all of those who haven't sent him a card yet!) and we're going to see Sleeping Beauty on Saturday, performed by Western Australia Ballet - apparently the set is so huge they had to move the show to a larger theatre.
We haven't told the kids about it - partly to avoid Grace getting too excited, and partly to stop Ruben from trying to get out of it!
Not sure if I've already mentioned this, but I've got an iPhone 4 on order - too exciting, eh? Apple have woefully underestimated the demand over here and hence the average waiting time is 5 weeks. Hopefully I won't have to wait that long!
So that's it - nothing more to report, folks!
Just wanted to say a quick thanks to those few people that follow my blog, either publicly (or privately - you stalkers, you!!)
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Sunday, bloody Sunday

1. Grace's fave film is Mama mia, and she was watching it for the umpteenth time this morning. Aggie is pretty intrigued by it too, bless her. The bit where Julie Walters falls in the water Aggie jumped up and shouted "NANNY!!" at the tv.
<------- My gorgeous mom
My mom, gorgeous as she is, bears a striking resemblance to the British comedienne and always has done. Very funny that Agatha should notice it though!
2. Paul took the girls and the dogs to Scarborough dog beach this morning. He tells me it was really hard work and that the girls fought over the bucket and spade and that Aggie screamed none stop at the waves (mild Sea-phobia for some reason!) but actually I think they all had a pretty good time.
Funnily enough, I don't see that she's screaming here, do you?
3. Paul has finally had his hair cut, after 4 months of looking like a yeti we shaved it all off today. He officially looks ten years younger. I did it with our Wahl clippers and left an attractive Aussie mullet at the back. I did take pics for this blog but decided against publishing them - far too embarrassing!
4. Whilst shopping yesterday, I tried on a cute silver key pendant and have now decided that my life is incomplete without one. On searching the net for them this morning I discovered that the one I tried on was a Tiffany copy of a range of keys that came out last year.......On discussing this discovery with Paul he naturally had no idea why I "needed" such an item but I think I've managed to negotiate a deal whereby I'll be a proud owner of the real deal before Xmas arrives. How, I here you cry - well, that's for me to know, and you to, well, you'll have to guess what the deal is I've struck! ;-)
1. Ruben was attacked in the park by a dog. A young Staffy cross who is exhuberant to say the least. The dog seemed to think that Ruben wanted to play, but his version of playing was to grab R's jumper in his teeth and scratch him pretty hard on his bottom. :-( R is ok, a bit shook up and has some pretty bad scratches but he'll live. Not a great end to a lovely weekend.
2. Top gear is on. Again. And the Grand Prix......nuff said.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Easy, Breezy Saturdays
He wibbled and he wobbled and got very pee'd off with cracking his shins on the pedals, but a week later, he has absolutely cracked it! He can now push off by himself, and ride in a pretty good straight line. BIG UP THE RUBE-STER!
Grace is quite keen to hang on to her stabilisers for the moment......but watch this space!
We've spent a pretty chilled out Saturday - took the kids to the park this morning with the dogs - kids on bikes etc. And this afternoon we took Paul to see the 'roos at Pinnaroo which was nice then off to Whitford Shopping Centre for some retail therapy.

Even though it's Paul birthday next week I was treated to a cool pair of clog sandals and some funky khaki extreme cuff sandals too, though need to experiment with these to avoid the dreaded "cankle scenario" - ideas gratefully received.
Tomorrow we are planning a picnic if the weather brightens up.
Love to mom , who's holidaying somewhere pretty with her main man.
Love to Bek, who may be ironing a strange man's pants as I type.....
Hi to the Caveens who will be joining us shortly. :-)
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Happy Father's Day!
We spent the day with the Burfords, first visiting Fremantle Prison, which was pretty interesting.

The history of Fremantle Prison dates back to the early beginnings of Western Australia and its role in the development of this State is unparalleled. It is the largest convict built structure in Western Australia and the most intact convict establishment in the nation.

On 01 August 2010, Fremantle Prison became the first built environment in Western Australia to be included on the World Heritage list. It's inscription on the World Heritage list was part of a serial nomination with ten other Australian Convict Sites.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Roo and 'roos
Friday, 27 August 2010
Normality has been restored!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Things we've acheived today
2. We've been to the educational superstore, known as Wooldriges, to get Ruben (and Grace's) stuff they need to start next Tuesday. Unlike in the UK, where all school materials are free, over here in Oz you have to buy a fair bit. Ruben needed 2 text books, a couple of large display folders and a library book bag. Grace needed display folders and..... wait for it.....a towel. Answers on a postcard, please.
3. I'm not saying I'm great at packing suitcases, but thought I'd got everything covered when I packed 5 cases of stuff to see us through until our container arrived. However, I soon found out that I'd only packed summer dresses and HSM dressing up outfits for Grace, and no jeans, or trousers. So we had to go and get her some today. Kids' clothes are not exactly great over here, but did manage to get her some nice-ish skinny black jeans from Big W.
Not bad, eh? Oh, and bumped into Paul and Ian bunking off work like a couple of naughty school boys, going to get a latte...
Dominos ain't got nothing on us

Sunday, 11 July 2010
Some days are better than others
Yesterday we had to sort out some stuff for our imminent house move. We managed to sort a nice big t.v and some kitchen-y stuff too. It was a very productive day and the kids were really well behaved.
Today, however, everyone seems to have got up on the wrong side of the bed - even the dogs. We tried to introduce Ono and Jess to our neighbours dog, Maverick, which resulted in a not very pretty dog fight. Not sure who started it, or who won really, but it was just not very nice.
We then walked the dogs down to dog-beach for a run around.
The weather at the moment is bloody awful, a mix of high winds and torrential rain - if anyone comments that you have great weather in the uk, I'll be forced to remind you that we only have bad weather in WA for 3 months - tops. The rest is blue skies all the way.
So, a very uneventful weekend, and only written up to keep those vaguely interested of our comings and goings!
Oh, and to top if off, I STILL haven't got my car - the loan company are asking for all kinds of nonsense, so it's back to the fremantle taxi for me for this week......
ETA - aww crap, just lost loads of text and photos - will try again.
Over here in Mcdonalds they have outdoor play areas - today Ruben managed to create this on his forehead in said play area....
Thursday, 8 July 2010
A Thursday to remember
1. We collected our dogs from quarantine in Byford.
2. We collected Paul's new Mondeo Zetec from Mandurah
Hoo-bloody-rah! It feels like two mammoth hurdles have been, um, hurdled.
The dogs are fine, a bit nervous, and not sure of themselves, but apart from that, all is good.
I got to drive the new car back from Mandurah, I even had an hour in it without the kids - twas all lovely.
We just have to sort out my PT Cruiser now, which is proving a larger hurdle. The finance company want all kinds of bizarre information and it's taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R. It looks like I may be back in the Fremantle Taxi next week.....
Had a lovely day yesterday with Lizzie and her son, Ben, who our kids are seriously in awe of. He is all they've talked about today. Bless em. We went into Fremantle, had some lunch, mosied around the shops and generally had a nice, chilled out time. Looking forward to doing it again.
We'll be shopping for a few bits for the new pad at the weekend - need to get a washing machine desperatley. There will be a 3-4 week delay before we get our container delivered, so need to get some plates, cutlery and stuff.
Can't wait to move in - it'll feel like we're finally settled somewhere.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Lazy days.....
We sat and watched Alice in Wonderland after breakfast (again!) and then tackled the supermarket.....is it just me that struggles to control kids in the supermarket? R&G always end up running round like loonies whilst I try to shout quietly at them.
Things I've recently learnt about Perth:
1. There is no amazon.com.au - how on earth are you supposed to buy stuff if you can't get it from Amazon?
2. Potatoes are really no good foor roasting over here.
3. You never need to buy another lemon - they grow everywhere.
Things I'm missing about the uk:
1. Amazon.co.uk
2. Maris Piper potatoes
3. Decent dumbing down tv - far too many sitcoms over here.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
The DNA Tower
We also spent the afternoon at King's Park which the kids loved just so much! We went down to the Synergy Playground which had loads of stuff for the kids to climb on, swing on and generaly arse about with.
All in all, a lovely family day with lots of fun. I've actually had a fair bit of wine now so this may be a bit incoherent - hic! Love to everyone.x
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Hands up who likes Inspector Frost?
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
A winter's day....
And the award for the funniest dog goes to.....
In no particular order, he ran off with:
various small person socks
various small person shoes
a dummy
an empty catfood can
He knew exactly where to hide with his treasures too - just behind the sofa where no-one could quite reach him - very funny indeed. The children all thought he was hilarious. Agatha insisted on having him wrapped in a large furry blanket, which he didn't object to in the slightest.
The kids had a lovely time, were well and truly spoilt with lovely donuts and biccies, and a generally lovely time was had by all.
The afternoon was spent cooking chilli for tea and just arsing about with the kids. We played libraries, which was a new game, and just meant littering the house with books whilst Ruben ordered us all around, telling us our books were overdue.....
Have also found out that there is a supermarket which stocks lots of english products....will be checking this out in the near future. However, due to Paul not leaving me any cash and me not having a bank card yet, I didn't stock up on starbars and bisto gravy today.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Dogs, Koalas and the cost of food
As you can see from these, pics they were pretty happy to see us.
Monday, 28 June 2010
I'm mobile again....
Sunday, 27 June 2010
No car, boohoo!

Saturday, 26 June 2010
Walking in a winter wonderland

We also went into Fremantle (Freo to us locals) today which was just lovely. We sat on the harbour side, eating ice creams in the sunshine, just sheer bliss.

Friday, 25 June 2010
Busy, busy!
Then we had lunch at Maccy Ds as a treat for the kids - they actually eat very little except the fruit bags, but they like the plastic crap they get.
We joined the local blockbuster and are at the moment watching The Princess and the Frog. It's 10pm almost - we're hoping by keeping the childrenup later that they might sleep through the night tonight - the jet lag has been a complete nightmare.
We had a bit of a disaster with the house viewing- the agent turned up without any keys. So we had to view the house like a bunch of burglars i.e through the windows. I felt like we were casing the joint. However, we're going back in the morning, hopefully she'll have keys then!
We're seeing a couple of cars at the weekend too - I'm possibly going to end up with a PT Cruiser, which is quite exciting (compared to a Scenic or a Corolla!). AND it has heated seats which are obviously a must in this arctic winter we are experiencing.
You'll have noticed I've not added any photos yet- please be patient, and they will follow! Love to everyone in the uk, esp my bessie Bek.xxx
Thursday, 24 June 2010
A great day!!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Rain, rain, go away, go and rain on some other poor shmuck.
So, me and the kids haven't done a lot today - we went out to the local shopping centre, called the Phoenix Centre, in Spearwood. The kids were very excited to see the luridly iced donuts so we had to indulge after tea tonight.....
Tomorrow I'm doing a typically british thing and heading off to find Ikea - we need a highchair for Agatha as she's in danger of falling off the pile of cushions that we've been propping her up on. And we need coat hangers - where else can you get those two things at the same shop?
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
18 hour flight + 3 small children =
We landed at around 1am and had to collect me a hire car whilst Paul collected his work car. We then had to rendevous on the airport ringroad - cue me being apprehended by a security guard as I was apparently parked right under the control tour (hadn't noticed). He was very understanding though, maybe due to the fact he sounded like he was from Souf London.....
Today was our first full day in oz - we went to visit our dogs in quarantine this morning, which was lovely. They were fine, and obviously very happy to see us. 2 weeks and we can repatriate them - woohoo!!!
First differences I have noticed between Perth and the UK:
1. drivers stick to the speed limit
2. kitkats are like two british pounds each
3. there is just no traffic - at all. Anywhere.
4. there is a creature here, apparently, called a bandicoot - like the xbox game!
Tomorrow me and the nippers are off to look at a house, so will report back on a) driving on the freeway and b) how I coped by myself with the 3 kids in Oz!
Saturday, 19 June 2010
The day before the rest of our lives
It's an odd feeling - a mixture of nostalgia for the things we'll miss (family, friends, good curry and Britain's Got Talent) and looking forward to our next big adventure.
This blog will follow our adventures in Perth, feel free to join in and follow it.x