Lovely background

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

18 hour flight + 3 small children =

an interesting experience. To be fair, Ruben and Grace were superstars and only started being nuisances in the last couple of hours of the flight. Agatha, however, at the grand old age of 19 months was more, um, interesting. She screamed for the last 1/2 hour of the flight in a full on "I'm being adbucted, please help me!" manner - it was truly awful.

We landed at around 1am and had to collect me a hire car whilst Paul collected his work car. We then had to rendevous on the airport ringroad - cue me being apprehended by a security guard as I was apparently parked right under the control tour (hadn't noticed). He was very understanding though, maybe due to the fact he sounded like he was from Souf London.....

Today was our first full day in oz - we went to visit our dogs in quarantine this morning, which was lovely. They were fine, and obviously very happy to see us. 2 weeks and we can repatriate them - woohoo!!!

First differences I have noticed between Perth and the UK:
1. drivers stick to the speed limit
2. kitkats are like two british pounds each
3. there is just no traffic - at all. Anywhere.
4. there is a creature here, apparently, called a bandicoot - like the xbox game!

Tomorrow me and the nippers are off to look at a house, so will report back on a) driving on the freeway and b) how I coped by myself with the 3 kids in Oz!

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