
1. Grace's fave film is Mama mia, and she was watching it for the umpteenth time this morning. Aggie is pretty intrigued by it too, bless her. The bit where Julie Walters falls in the water Aggie jumped up and shouted "NANNY!!" at the tv.
<------- My gorgeous mom
My mom, gorgeous as she is, bears a striking resemblance to the British comedienne and always has done. Very funny that Agatha should notice it though!
2. Paul took the girls and the dogs to Scarborough dog beach this morning. He tells me it was really hard work and that the girls fought over the bucket and spade and that Aggie screamed none stop at the waves (mild Sea-phobia for some reason!) but actually I think they all had a pretty good time.
Funnily enough, I don't see that she's screaming here, do you?
3. Paul has finally had his hair cut, after 4 months of looking like a yeti we shaved it all off today. He officially looks ten years younger. I did it with our Wahl clippers and left an attractive Aussie mullet at the back. I did take pics for this blog but decided against publishing them - far too embarrassing!
4. Whilst shopping yesterday, I tried on a cute silver key pendant and have now decided that my life is incomplete without one. On searching the net for them this morning I discovered that the one I tried on was a Tiffany copy of a range of keys that came out last year.......On discussing this discovery with Paul he naturally had no idea why I "needed" such an item but I think I've managed to negotiate a deal whereby I'll be a proud owner of the real deal before Xmas arrives. How, I here you cry - well, that's for me to know, and you to, well, you'll have to guess what the deal is I've struck! ;-)
1. Ruben was attacked in the park by a dog. A young Staffy cross who is exhuberant to say the least. The dog seemed to think that Ruben wanted to play, but his version of playing was to grab R's jumper in his teeth and scratch him pretty hard on his bottom. :-( R is ok, a bit shook up and has some pretty bad scratches but he'll live. Not a great end to a lovely weekend.
2. Top gear is on. Again. And the Grand Prix......nuff said.
have been coverting the tiff keys for a while now, they're so lovely, so what deal you struck? poor Roo, hope he's ok, bloody dogs!
ReplyDeleteI daren't say in case Paul reneges on the deal, lol!