Lovely background

Friday, 25 June 2010

Busy, busy!

Today has been a verrrry busy day! We visited the dogs in quarantine this morning - sounds simple doesn't it? The logistics of taking 3 very small children into a place with loads of very loud barking dogs isn't simple. AND i had to try and get the dogs out of their kennel, down the corridor and into their exercise yard with the kids in tow. Ono did a runner and escaped as soon as I opened the kennel door. I stood screaming like a fishwife to try and get him back in again - to no avail. Twas all very interesting. Anyway , the dogs are fine, look very healthy and enjoyed seeing us all.

Then we had lunch at Maccy Ds as a treat for the kids - they actually eat very little except the fruit bags, but they like the plastic crap they get.

We joined the local blockbuster and are at the moment watching The Princess and the Frog. It's 10pm almost - we're hoping by keeping the childrenup later that they might sleep through the night tonight - the jet lag has been a complete nightmare.

We had a bit of a disaster with the house viewing- the agent turned up without any keys. So we had to view the house like a bunch of burglars i.e through the windows. I felt like we were casing the joint. However, we're going back in the morning, hopefully she'll have keys then!

We're seeing a couple of cars at the weekend too - I'm possibly going to end up with a PT Cruiser, which is quite exciting (compared to a Scenic or a Corolla!). AND it has heated seats which are obviously a must in this arctic winter we are experiencing.

You'll have noticed I've not added any photos yet- please be patient, and they will follow! Love to everyone in the uk, esp my bessie

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