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Saturday, 18 June 2011

Gala Day for our little Auskicker!

Today Ruben spent the morning playing "real" Auskick against some other teams at a Gala day at Kingsway Sports Stadium.  Ruben and his fellow Magpies played incredibly well and were well rewarded with the obligatory Aussie tradition of a sausage sizzle (read "hot dog").

It was great to see the boys getting really stuck in and some great goals were scored, including one by Haydn, who was playing his first ever game.

Auskick, for those not in the know, nor in Australia, is Aussie Rules footie for little people.  It's hugely well supported over here and for boys AND girls, which is great. 

We then spent the rainy afternoon at The Beach House in Osborne Park, one of the better indoor soft play places in the Northern Suburbs.  Unlike the ones in England, there appears to be no sick stains on the carpets, nor any overly large 12 year olds tearing the place up.  Oh, and the coffee is significantly better too.

Have I ever mentioned the Aussies' obsession with coffee?  OMG, nobody seems able to function without a coffee in hand or at least one on order.  In fact, if you don't feel like you can finish your car journey without a caffeine hit, you can stop at a drive through coffee bar, such as Muzz Buzz or One for the Road.

I like my coffee, me, but don't find it necessary to balance a steaming grande skinny latte whilst driving (a manual I hasten to add), refereeing the kids in the back seat and doing a U-ey to go and pick up my gym bag that I left in the car park (true story).  Maybe it's just me, or maybe Aussies have a special coffee cup holder in their cars that I know nothing of.....

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