After a protracted absence from blogging, due to WA's inability to undertake the simplest of tasks i.e send a broadband modem to the right address, I'm back, fully interneted and ready to blog!
Things that have happened in the last couple of months over here:
1. We've moved into our new house in the suburb of Greenwood. The house is just perfect and backs onto the park. The dogs are having the best fun racing around with all their new Aussie buddies. We haven't used the pool in the garden yet, much to Grace's annoyance as it's still actually winter.
2.. Ruben has started pre-primary at a lovely local school and Grace has started at the related Kindy. They're both getting on really well, Ruben had a couple of wobbles when he didn't want me to leave him, but I think we're over that now. His new teacher is just lovely and all the kiddies are super cute too.
3. Grace is now officially Australian - instead of "no" she says "neeewww" and "computer" is now "compuha". It's astonishing how quickly she's become Aussifed to fit in with her new Kindy pals. It's very cute and never ceases to make me smile.
4. Agatha can now put two words together (at long last!) and can say hello mummy, hello daddy, hello Ono, etc, etc......
5. I have my car, an Aussie bank account, and I can shop - woohoo! Today I've been to Karrinyup shopping centre with Lizzie and experienced a little retail therapy.

It's a lovely centre with a couple of department stores, some little boutique-y shops and lots of nice free parking.
I got myself a gorge pair of tan leather glads for $39 reduced from $159 and some sunnies to replace the ones Grace broke this morning.
Lizzie got a gorge dress for a "do" she's off to next weekend and put some lovely stuff from FC on layby (will explain this to my English chums - you see stuff you love but don't have the wonga, you put 10% down and they hold it indefinitely for you!)
6. I managed to walk head first into a very hard metal column this morning at Warwick Centro shopping centre. I was watching the kids messing about on a bob the builder ride and smashed my cheekbone and temple into the fecking column. After making sure my head was still attached and stopping myself from vomiting in pain, I've managed to create an attractive egg shaped bump on my temple - nice. 

I'm not sure how well you can see it in the pic, but believe me, it fecking hurts. A lot.
You can all stop laughing now!
So, that's it really, we're all settled, our container arrived a week or so ago which was just ace. We all have our beds now and the kids have their toys. WA finally feels like home.
Ruben says a big hello to all his chums at Claverley. Thanks to everyone for keeping in touch, we appreciate it a lot.x